Tips For Finding Camping Showers

There is one overriding concern when talking about camping, and that is hygiene. Going camping means that you have to spend several days or weeks with no clear idea what your shower conditions will be. Getting dirty in the open is something that usually happens the first hour you go outside, so camping showers are especially essential when talking about having a good time. Camping always includes a lot of adventure in the wild nature outdoors, and this is inevitably matched with sweat, dirt, mud, and whatever disgusting stuff you can imagine on your body and clothes.

Some public camps do indeed offer you a place for showering. But this means that they are meant to give no privacy in other ways. Camps that include shower service usually put you in the middle of a dozen unknown strangers that are camping together with you. Public camps are by no means a refreshing vacation. You get no privacy, you hear all the noise other campers make, you can go at no place where you are totally sure no-one will spring out of the bushes during you’re on a romantic picnic with your mate. Public camps are only suitable for groups of people, which hire the whole camping site for themselves, they know each other and can enjoy being so close together, as well as fully enjoy the camp showers.

But what would other people who strive for privacy do? Go together deep in the forest and stay barbaric for days? There are some opportunities, which you can avail of when camping together with your friends or family. When on a remote camp, you can make use of the plain bucket of water. It is convenient, water is warmed by the sun and you can fully enjoy cleaning with such an environment-friendly tool. But if you like real shower with pouring water, perhaps you can use another installation. The shower bags, which are filled up with water and hung on a tree bough, were a great option in the past. The water again being warmed by the sun, the shower bag’s bottom had a spigot made to pour the water outside. The switch controls the turning on and off. The whole installation could easily be hidden by a blanket, which ensured some privacy for the shy nature lovers.

But what if there was no sun and the whole vacation is spoiled by cloudy or semi-cloudy weather? Well, your opportunities for getting a shower in this case are the following: either you wait you the rain to come, or you use the sophisticated camping shower models. Their big priority is that they offer warm water for everyone, no matter what the weather conditions are, and no matter how many people are going to take a shower. One camping shower provides pop up sides and a heavy mesh flooring to stand on. The sides are made of mesh that allows air flow, but you cannot see into the camping shower from the outside (which is good when it comes to taking away those revealing blankets and getting some real feeling of being alone). The improvement of camping showers means that there are more and more new showering models being sold. You can really avail of them and enjoy a nice and, what is more, CLEAN holiday in the private camps.